Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

a care for a new piano

I bought a new home just beautiful! This is not an additional beauty to your house is new, as they bring the joy of music with you and your family. This new piano, make sure that you are important to me. Only possible, the right care for your piano to be too much, this is guaranteed, and certainly worth keeping, or a new piano at this point is to ensure safety. In this article I have to keep your piano many times around the cruise control and your piano as the piano and how clean and safe and the coordinating efforts of care and maintenance tips for piano abroad should be checked. Are likely to demonstrate some changes on the piano that is why you need your piano.

And what is adjustable for a piano, depending on what is required?

Your piano or an extension of high tension between the frame and over 200 of your piano, the strings. Piano Piano Technicians at the required time, he has only sound in harmony, as well as careful control of the string tension on each piano certainly at the level of competition (440 Hz, if you cast a vote) to.

Absence of damage to your piano is a piano and piano on a regular basis may not be appropriate adjustments have been tuning frustrating to try to exert control over an instrument very well. It is common that children hear their parents say they feel good piano teacher or piano in the house does not seem to. In general, keep the piano regularly, in fact, play the piano at home is not available, the lowest piano. Private piano could not be adjusted regularly, the increases are undetected problems with the environmental factors of the piano. It can be something more durable and expensive. The piano is not serviced regularly to adjust the difficulty.

How many times have I voted in the piano?

In the best conditions, the piano twice a year as a whole should be good performance tuning. And whether to play on the piano out Please note adapt. The new piano, the first year of a new series of piano can change 3-4 times. Because to stretch the new strings that it works tend this piano is often wrong. Piano Piano one and used, in many cases much used every day to be used in higher levels of exercise a day for several hours a pianist or two monthly updates -3.

How can I ensure that my Stability Control as the piano?

Where does the piano the wrong temperature and humidity in the room was a piano major factor. 湿润 Shi and climate change, moving the piano and the chain to expand in order to play sharper than standard pitch of the piano. Cold and dry, these sections of the contract, the piano can, and as a standard pitch to play flatter. Unfortunately, to extend to all parts of the piano, not contract a single frequency. This piano will sharps and flats, where the sound of the piano, it is his own. If you're a music room are very dry, the risk is to the sound of the piano department. It may be a serious obstacle to the sound of the instrument. And the wood of the piano, when moisture is the key to the room with a high risk of swelling strings rust on unresolved issues such as risk piano. Temperature affects the overall stability of the piano tuning is more likely not to change in temperature and humidity fluctuations. Therefore, it is the whole year is recommended over moderate temperatures still in the house.

Piano room temperature and humidity stability and adjustment cases. How well was used to measure the humidity of the room humidity control. The local store, you can attach to the wall you can purchase these devices. The ideal humidity 40-50 percent for the piano between them. In the winter, has little room humidifier good idea to monitor drought. Central air can control the humidity in the summer. If you do not have a central air conditioning, you can use a dehumidifier. This is a piano room with a humidifier or dehumidifier, but must take care not in the immediate vicinity.

The development of the piano room

Heating piano channel, heat, instead of the radiator. These objects as well as dry air around him general, can impact on the stability control can also cause cracks in the soundboard of the piano. To help protect your piano in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can damage the surface of the piano.

The effects on the piano for him to recognize that look the other elements of space? And complementary elements of wood, will absorb it tends to live "sound, the sound objects such as curtains and carpets tend. Are you a piano, too loudly or behave, and I think that set the space around the item please try the piano.

Cleaning and polishing of the piano

Polishing Piano: It is recommended not to use ordinary furniture polish piano. The best way to clean a piano and a soft cloth slightly reduced grip. Micro-fiber dust cloths handy gloss piano. Microfiber clothes are usually in the house can be found in the same section, the local machine wash accessories. This is a piano, you can buy candles in domestic private piano. Some of these polished and anti-static, to help dust the piano.

Cleaning the Piano Keys: It is recommended to clean with a damp cloth to the top of the piano keys. Keys can not be used, the cleaning solution will clean up when it's hard. A key for both sides of the key does not allow water leakage and dry after washing doubt. Do not wash the keys to the chemistry.

This cleaning is recommended by the piano is only a general clean interior art of the piano. There are also many parts of the fragile piano, it is more professional, is to avoid damage to take it. Was the slow accumulation of dust, to work at the piano bar and mechanisms.

Your piano is so badly over time, as well as piano services that qualify for maintaining the value of the instrument piano under optimal conditions.

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